Saturday 5 April 2014


It was summer of  1978 ( Jabalpur)..... good old days of school when Chotelal rickshawala would ride me back to home. The roads were not so crowded and riding a rickshaw was a privelege. This old British chariot would roll down speedily down the slopes of Wright Town...bringing bumbles in the stomach. But it would come to grinding halt at the sight of Traffic police on the Stadium Chowk. I used to be greatly astonished to see a uniformly clad person governing the vehicles roll-on the road. He was the master and at the sight of his signal , the cycles, rickshaws  and bulky Italian Lambrettas would not proceed further until it was his wish. This moustached policeman was an icon to all children..... No wonder when the English teacher asked in oralexam," What,s your ambition?"...the reply was apt.." Traffic Police"'''!!!!